Saturday, February 27, 2010

Interview with Rochester Movie Maker's Own Stan Main

Today's guest is Stan Main, the Chairperson of Rochester Movie Makers. They are a local group who will have a screening of the submissions to their 72 hour Mind 2 Movie Challenge next Tues., March 2nd at 7pm at The Little. Tickets are $5.00. More about the challenge in a minute.

Hi Stan, Can You Tell Us—What is Rochester Movie Makers?

The RMM Mission Statement- to create, develop and promote filmmaking and
filmmakers in Rochester, NY.

RMM is a NY State Educational Cooperative 501(c)(3) designed to help connect
local film makers and persons interested in learning more about film making.
Attend meetings regularly to be exposed to other people in the Rochester
area that want to help and be helped executing the sometimes complicated,
time consuming but usually very fun and rewarding process called film
making. Learn by doing at RMM.

For more info on RMM visit

Tell me about the 72 hour challenge.

The premise? Filmmaking teams have just one long weekend to make a short
film. All creativity - writing, shooting, editing and adding a musical
soundtrack - must occur in a 72 hour window beginning Thursday evening at
7:00 and ending Sunday at 7:00. The following week, the completed films are
screened to an eager audience.

For the whole poop on Mind2Movie-2010, visit You will find a FAQ on that page that
explains everything.

What's your take on the filmmaking community here in Rochester?

I think the talent for feature films is definitely available in Rochester.
Great actors, writers, directors and crew. The challenge is getting groups
here to work together and grow together better than they do in other
markets. We haven't been as successful as I would like in attracting
students from the big schools and some of the more high end film and video
maker pros in Rochester to meetings or to serving on the Executive Board.

What are some other events and ideas the group has coming up?

In March we have the RMM Summer Shorts Screenplay Contest where Screenplay.
Writers come with 10 page screenplays and we read them and vote for the top
3 best. Then we shoot as many as we can in the RMM Summer Shorts. More
info at

How can people join?

Sign up for free 24/7 at We meet at least
once every week. The complete list of meetings is on the homepage. Sign up
at the website for last minute changes to scheduled meetings.

What's the most important thing you see happening when a bunch of
filmmakers get together?

I think the most important thing RMM can do is continue to provide
opportunities to improve local skill sets through activities that get people
who don't know each other to work together. The best thing I see at
meetings is people discovering each other's potentials and making new

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